Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

I’m Glad I’m Your Mother

I’m Glad I’m Your Mother

            When someone say that becoming a mother is a wonderful thing, I agree with that!. And when people say that a woman will be perfect after she becomes a mother, so do I!. There are so many things that can be told and remembered about that. Something which is funny even touching. For me, my children give me so many experiences and inspiration. They are my reason to live.

            Something funny was happened when I, my son and his aunt were watching a circus on TV. There were a chimpanzee which was on its friend’s shoulder  cycling though a rope. ‘It’s you on the top,’ said my sister to my son. Calmly he also said, ‘And it’s you at the bottom, aunty. Carrying me on your shoulder, am I heavy?’. Haha… it’s sounded really funny because he’s only a 3 years old child.

            I remembered when one day I laughed at him. He cried because his baby sister bit his pointer. I thought it was funny. ‘Of course it’s your fault, why did you get your pointer into her mouth?. She is a baby and she doesn’t understand,’ I asked him. Still with the tears falling down his cheek, he replied, ‘She wanted to eat a marble and I tried to get it out from her mouth. I think she will die if she eat that marble…’.  Oh dear… I felt guilty because I laughed at something which was very amazing. My son loved his sister very much and he was only 4 at that time. Other moment was happened when I peeled a mango for him. He asked me why I didn’t eat the mango too. I said that it’s for him. But he forced me to eat it. Then I ate the bottom part which was sour. He knew that and said, ’it was sour, mommy. You must eat this part which is sweet’. ‘it’s okay’, I love this part!’ I tried to lie. But he stopped eating, looking at me and said, ‘Mommy, everyone wanted the sweet part and you have to get it as well!. Oh, I couldn’t say anything. One thing that I still remembered until now is his face and voice at that time, when he was 5.

And this was the story in his sixth age. One day he asked me in worry , ‘Mommy, if I pass away, who will take care of you?’. ‘Oh, honey, don’t worry, it won’t happen..’, I should die first before you,’ I answered like that to make him stop worrying about that thing, I thought. ‘Why?,’ he asked me again. ‘Because people who are older will die first, and the younger ones will come next’. And you know what after that?. He told this to his grandpa, ‘Grandpa, you will die first before all of us because you are the oldest here!’, Mommy said that to me’. Oh My God… I think you can imagine what they’re thinking about what kind of mother I am!. But, everything was fine after I clarified that, and everybody was laughing, thinking that it was the funniest thing ever. It really taught me a lesson that a mother should think further before giving an explanation to her child.

This is another story about him. Some of his aunt’s friends often came to our house. One of them always wore his hat whenever he came. When he asked  me about that, I replied, ’I don’t know, maybe he was bald’. Actually, I wasn’t serious, I didn’t know exactly the reason why. I answered like that to stop him asking more about that. Then, I couldn’t face that person anymore because he said, ‘uncle, mommy said that you’re bald, that’s why you’re wearing your hat everywhere’. Oh… I felt ashamed. However, everybody was laughing to hear that. Maybe some of them thought, what kind of mother who taught his son to be impolite?. However, the next day he came to our house, he wasn’t wearing his hat anymore, maybe to show us that he wasn’t bald!.

            And one day, when he was 9, we have a chatting heart by heart and I said that parents will sacrifice everything for their children. Their children were their life, their treasure and couldn’t be exchanged with everything in this world. One more time, he said something that I would never forget, ‘For me, parents are also everything!’. Ah, I hugged him as if I will never let him go. Son… although you only gave me 12 years of your life, but you give me much happiness. You made my life brighter although you left the deepest sadness in my life. And you know, son… I’m glad I’m your mother and I ever had you in my life. God, thank you for all  beautiful moments I shared with him.

I realized that whatever we do is all for our children and whatever they do will teach us something about life. I’m sure everyone who is reading my story will agree with me. No matter whether you’re rich or poor, but you will feel happy and comfortable when someone calls you ‘Mom’. And for all moms in the world, Happy mother’s day… be glad that you are a mother!. ( Mrs Poopy ).

( Penulis adalah  Guru SMP Tarakanita Gading Serpong, tulisan ini pernah diterbitkan di majalah “ICON” SMP Tarakanita Gading Serpong edisi 8 bulan  Desember 2013)

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